For any other questions or concerns, or to arrange counselling please call our office at the number listed below.
If you are in immediate danger or crisis now, please call 911.
If you are concerned that a child has experienced sexual assault within the past 30 days and you would like to access urgent care:
When you arrive at the hospital, you will meet with nurse and social worker who have specialized training in assessment and support for children, youth and their families. All care will be provided with the young person’s consent. You will also have the option of remaining connected with the social worker who can continue to support you in moving forward.
Specially trained pediatric sexual assault nurse examiners and social workers provide assessment and support to children who have experienced sexual abuse. Some cases of child sexual abuse which have occurred may be referred to McMaster Hospital in Hamilton. Our team will assist families in accessing the right support at the right time. Families are connected with Waterloo Regional Police Service and/or Family & Children’s Services of Waterloo Region, who can work together to ensure children are safe.