If you have experienced intimate partner violence, sexual assault or human trafficking within the last 3 months, we can provide you with trauma informed counselling services. If your experience happened more than three months ago, we encourage you to call us and we will connect you with the healing resources you need.
Counselling and follow-up support is available for people of all ages and gender identities who have experienced intimate partner violence, sexual assault or human trafficking within the 90 days.
A social worker will connect with you after we receive your information to complete a brief intake. We will review your needs and goals. This will help us connect you with a counsellor who can support you moving forward. Counselling is focused on healing from trauma, and you are in charge of your healing process. Our qualified counsellors have expertise and skills to help you cope and aid your healing journey. We want to help you met your counselling goals.
We offer trauma focused counselling that can range from 1-8 sessions. You and your counsellor will work together to determine what will best meet your needs.
We are committed to providing compassionate, confidential, sensitive care to all of our clients. These are the values by which we work and provide care:
If you have experienced intimate partner violence, sexual assault or human trafficking, know that it is not your fault and we are here to support you.
Did your assault happened more than three months ago? We encourage you to reach out to partner agencies.
Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Treatment Centre
Ontario Network of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Treatment Centres
SADVTC Waterloo supports the LGBTQS2 community in Waterloo Region